Forms & Applications
Open Job Positions
Full-time position, Family and Consumer Sciences, PA Certification required, beginning the 2025-2026 school year.
In addition to teaching students in grades 7-12, the successful candidate will be responsible for regular shopping trips, maintaining classroom equipment and supplies, coordinating special programs and presentations related to a standards-based FCS curriculum, and overseeing field trips.
Courses will include comprehensive classroom experiences that guide students in making informed choices about personal, family, and work responsibilities. Specific attention will be paid to home and family financial resource management, balancing family, work, and community responsibilities, food and nutrition science, and child development, which will be demonstrated through various performance-based assessments.
Please send cover letter, resume, Standard PA Teaching Application, PA certification, transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation and all clearances: https://ltsd.org/employment/
Attn: Matthew Rakauskas, Superintendent, LTSD PO Box 85, Factoryville, PA 18419 rakauskasm@ltsd.org
Jr/Sr High School Science Long Term Substitute
Long Term Substitute Teacher for Jr/Sr High School Science curriculum needed to begin May 2025 through January 2026. PA Certification required.
Please send cover letter, resume, Standard PA Teaching Application, PA certification, transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation and all clearances: https://ltsd.org/employment/
Attn: Matthew Rakauskas, Superintendent, LTSD PO Box 85, Factoryville, PA 18419 rakauskasm@ltsd.org
Full-Time Custodian
This is a 12-month position and includes a full benefits package beginning June 2025.
To Apply, send Application, 3 letters of recommendation, Child Abuse, Criminal Background, and Fingerprint clearances to:
Director of Maintenance, Tom Schofield
PO Box 85, Factoryville, PA 18419
or email to: schofieldt@ltsd.org
Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach
First year stipend: $3750
Internal candidates: Please submit a letter of interest and summary of qualifications.
External candidates: Please submit a letter of interest, resume/summary of qualifications, clearances (Child Abuse, State Police and FBI Fingerprints), and three letters of recommendation to:
Matthew Rakauskas rakauskasm@ltsd.org
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Junior High Girls’ Assistant Basketball Coach
Assistant Coach Job Description
First year stipend: $3100
Internal candidates: Please submit a letter of interest and summary of qualifications.
External candidates: Please submit a letter of interest, resume/summary of qualifications, clearances (Child Abuse, State Police and FBI Fingerprints), and three letters of recommendation to:
Matthew Rakauskas rakauskasm@ltsd.org
Deadline: April 1, 2025
The Lackawanna Trail School District contracts with a variety of bus companies to transport our students. If you are interested in transportation employment opportunities, please contact any of the following contractors who are looking to hire drivers:
- Nichols Bus Company: 570-945-5766 nicholsbus@yahoo.com
- Padula/Ritter Bus Company: 570-905-4151
- Schirg Bus Company: 570-562-2258
- Smarkusky Bus Company: 570-942-6562
- Vasky Bus Company: 570-591-0112
Private Van Drivers Needed
For information and to apply, please contact Wayne Burns Transportation: 570-563-2745
To Apply, visit ESS.com
Lackawanna Trail is excited to announce that we’ve partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program beginning the 2024-2025 school year. ESS is an experienced managed services organization that provides talented and qualified substitute professionals to K-12 school districts. To become a substitute teacher, paraprofessional, custodian or secretary for the Lackawanna Trail School District, you must become an employee of ESS. Together, we will continue to provide exceptional educational services to the students of our district, helping students learn, grow, and thrive.
To apply for substitute teaching positions AND Support Staff Substitute positions (Paraprofessional aide, Secretary, or Maintenance) at Lackawanna Trail School District, visit the ESS website and enter Lackawanna Trail School District: ESS.com
The Nutrition Group is Hiring!
Contact Erin Kiryluk for information and to apply at 570-945-5181 ext 3212